How to be a great leader?

Qualities of an effective leader

Anshi Yadav


“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. That’s the price we have to pay to achieve that goal or any goal.” — Vince Lombardi.

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In any organization, system, initiative, or business, it is the leader’s ability that decides whether there will be success or loss in the endeavors. When observed closely, we may find few similar traits in all the prominent leaders of the world. Qualities such as confidence, assertiveness, motivation, vision, intelligence, and so on are found in the best leaders of the world. Some of you might also feel intimidated by their presence because they shine out wherever they are. However, at the core, they are simply human beings who have, through consistent effort and practice, instill in them the qualities which make them who they are. Anyone can be a good leader, but to be a great one requires additional effort.

Here are a few tips on becoming a great leader-

1. Acquire knowledge-

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Whether it is through attending classes, listening to people, reading books, googling, or any other method. The foundation of great leadership starts with the brick of knowledge. Consistent hunger for knowledge keeps the brain active, and that contributes to separating extraordinary from ordinary. Having diversified knowledge also opens the brain to numerous new ideas beyond the restricted realms of our regular surroundings.

2. Build Confidence-

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Being confident is probably the most important trait on this list. A great leader is self-assured, has trust in their vision, knows what they want, and can make others feel the same. When a leader knows their way, trusting just the mere conviction becomes easy for the followers.

Confidence comes with preparation. Doing researches right, analyzing in advance, taking corrective measures, persistently giving best, and being resilient is what can commence the building of confidence. It’s a habit to be confident, and anyone can adapt to a habit.

3. Self-awareness-

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We have often seen great leaders in the world are always on the path of self-discovery. They are constantly investing their time and energies to truly understand their desires and purposes. It is important to have knowledge and confidence, but it will all go in vain if one does not know oneself. Contemplating behavior patterns, likes-dislike, reactions or actions, leadership styles, and the ultimate purpose with which their soul resonates the most are some of the aspects covered in self-awareness, but it again is unique to each individual. Self-awareness is essential to get clear with the aim and the pathway for its achievement.

4. Take initiative-

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Be it a small project or a mere class assignment the ability to take initiative is what differentiates a leader from others. Most people are scared of the reactions of people around them. Their fear dictates their actions or the actions that they don’t take. But, a leader is fearless, and the reactions of others don’t impact their choices much. They know what is important, and they never hesitate to take the first step. Putting forward opinions is the beginning of great leadership.

5. Empathy-

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

A leader is a leader as long as they have followers. Without a team, leadership doesn’t exist. So, it becomes crucial to have empathy, especially in the current changing scenarios of the world. As per google empathy is the ability to understand and share the feeling of others.

A good leader understands the problems, expectations, and understanding of their team. Empathy induces a feeling of belongingness in employees and is the base for innovation, retention, and performance. And it is developed by listening, sharing, helping, open communication, and by comprehending through the heart’s eye.

6. Optimism-

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A positive outlook for life, in general, brings hope. If undue attention is given to the forces working against, one may struggle to move forward. It is important to be prepared for the worst scenarios but expecting the best is what keeps one going. Great leaders are always looking at the silver lining at times of difficulty.

7. Be encouraging-

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

A true leader is watchful for the best in others. Identifying one’s strengths and encouraging them to hone them is the work of a leader. They ignite actions for betterment in their followers and contribute to their positive transformation. It is not easy to be inspiring always and is only strong when an individual is self-assured and values their purpose.

8. Dream| Be passionate -

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

The most beautiful sight is the realization of dreams, and the most enigmatic face is the one that reflects zeal for their purposes. Dreaming and having the faith to realize it someday is probably the greatest force that drives human lives towards greatness. Being a dreamer and passionate about one’s goal or group goal is what followers look forward to. Good Leaders are often the most enthusiastic person in the room, they fill the aura with zest or spark. By this, they also become the cause of making others realize their true potential and stimulate transformation.

9. Effective Communication skills-

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

Have you noticed how some people capture the attention of listeners immediately? With a passionate tone and articulate expressions, leaders can not only make people listen to what they have to say but can transfer positive vibes. Communication is the most important skill required in all aspects of life. Practicing speech, working on vocabulary, reading, listening, and of course, understanding vividly what has to be conveyed are a few ways, which when practiced can make one great at communication.

10. Be receptive-

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A true leader understands the value of having a learner’s mindset. Explore, learn what works for you and frame your leadership styles. No one can point out how one should lead because, with a dynamic degree of work role or extent of leadership, each leader has to find the best approach for them. A great leader is never hesitant to wear the cap of students and sit back to learn. Being able to adapt is the demand of this time.

